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Writer's pictureErin Bright

April 23 Scorpio Full Moon : The Maths, Energies, & Some Journal Prompts

Let’s celebrate making it to Taurus season! The sun moved into Taurus on April 19th! The energetic push won’t be quite so aggressive and we can actually start to savor our iced beverages as we start to consistently feel the Sun’s rays! But don’t relax too fast we have a full moon is Scorpio.

On April 23rd, we have a full moon in Scorpio, and I thought I would take the time to explain the polarities of the Sun being in Taurus and the moon being in Scorpio, and the gigantic shift that is. Then I thought, “Well, it's always that way,” the full moon always takes place in the polar opposite sign of the Sun/Sun’s Season and its new moon. In the honor of the depths of Scorpio, I thought it would be nice to evaluate new moon full moon duality and the space it holds via the maths, energy, and some journal prompts. And if you are only here for one or 2 of these things, I support that too.

The Maths

Because the sun and moon meet up to make a new moon in whatever sign the Sun is inhabiting for the month, the full moon is always across the zodiac in the opposite sign on the other side of the earth. IE EVERY YEAR we begin the year with the Sun rolling into Capricorn and the moon stops in to produce a new moon with the sun and every year that Sun season's full moon is in Cancer across the way. This season our dance is between Taurus and Scorpio. The full moon is a relationship between the Sun and the Moon known as an opposition. An opposition is a hard aspect, one where the energies of the Sun and Moon’s energies are at odds. I know, I know, its complicated to track… because the astrological new year is in March, we rock a Gregorian calendar for our daily planner vibes, the sun travels around the zodiac at the earth’s pace of 365.25 days, and the moon has lapped the sun’s ass 12.37 times. Throw in 8 other planets and you really have to be invested to sift through the celestial appointment book. If you don’t have the bandwidth, please let me do that for you.

The Schedule via a table

Sun Season/New Moon

Full Moon

























The Energy

For this particular season, our Sun is supporting us, in a post Aries eclipse fire starting space, with the grounded, relaxing and enjoy the senses kind of energy that is Taurus. Venus rules Taurus so we may be more inclined to spend a little money dining outside on the perfect patio, we may find a little more joy in flirting, we may want to organize the entire house by color, or maybe we need to commit to hours in our fuzzy slippers and rest. But as I said before, the full moon comes early this season, she is coming in hot at 4 degrees. It is in this supportive Sun sign, we typically have to take a day or 2 to balance the scales of life to  deal with the Moon’s opposition in Scorpio. Something in your Scorpio house that may need releasing. Where this hits your chart is determined by your rising sign and its intensity can relate to your natal moon.

Scorpio, a sign known for its depth, intensity, and transformative energy, brings forth a potent lunar phase, in this space we have to excavate the realms of power, intimacy, and the hidden aspects of life. Our emotions maybe heightened, the truth is illuminated, often revealing hidden desires, secrets, and buried emotions. Scorpio’s influence encourages us to confront our deepest fears, face our shadows, and embrace the process of inner transformation.

The full moon in Scorpio invites us to explore the depths of our psyche, and cast a light onto our subconscious patterns, fears, and desires. And thank God, when the sun rises we can bask in the supportive rays of a Taurus Sun. This is why I love astrology so much…this is the dichotomy of being a whole ass human…you are doing everything all at once even when you are not.

The Journal Prompts

Please take the time to incorporate these questions into any ritual you choose. Whether you do a large ceremony or a write and burn or pull tarot cards is no matter to me. I only wish support to you from you and at your discretion. That said, I would like to put it out into the zeitgeist for anyone who wants to know that the act of writing is backed by neuroscience and it supports the amygdala so that we may actually process emotions on a subconscious level. Soooooo! I WILL be doing the writing and burning an Alchemy & Art Candle.

  • What is the light of the Taurus Sun showing you externally as a guide or reflection of what you need to release internally? Are you holding onto something inside that is not allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the life you want or deserve?

  • Reflect on the areas of your life where you feel a need for transformation or renewal. What aspects of yourself or your circumstances are you ready to release during this lunar cycle?

  • Scorpio energy often brings intense emotions and introspection to the surface. What emotions have been brewing beneath the surface? How can you honor and process these emotions in a healthy way? What hidden truths or subconscious patterns have you not confronted? How can you look to these truths with compassion and acceptance for self?

Enjoy your Taurus season and remember the Scorpio Moon is only 2.3 days and transformation is good for you! And if you are called to dive deeper into these energies and need assistance to develop understanding of what your chart means, please allow me to be your personal astrologer. It is important to me that if you are on a deep dive that you are treated like the whole as human you are!



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Thank you for the useful and thoughtful journal prompts!!

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Always friend 😍

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